Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Advanced Settings of wampserver

PHP Customization

Depending on which type of program you want to install onto your server, you may require additional extensions that are not loaded by default. There are a whole variety of PHP extensions you can load that come built in, but disabled. Left-click on the Wamp menu, go to PHP->PHP Extensions and click off the extension you would like to reload.

You can also edit the configuration file, php.ini through the menu. Edit anything you need, and save this file. The most common edit is the memory_size, but there are many options you can tweak to your liking.

After making any changes to php, make sure you reload apache. I’ve learned the hard way that changes aren’t automatically pushed to the server, until it is reloaded.

Apache Customization

For you advanced tinkerers out there, you can tweak the apache configuration files to your heart’s content. Make sure after making any changes, to reload apache.

MySQL Customization

Depending on your project, you may need to create a database in MySQL. This can be done through phpMyAdmin, which is handily included within the WAMPServer install. By default they include no password on the root MySQL user, which is not the best thing for security reasons. I would recommend changing this password. phpMyAdmin can be reached via the Wamp Menu, or via the url http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

In Summary:

Don’t let the fun stop there. Install a blog and start experimenting with PHP and templates. Run your own Wiki. Run your own music server. The howtos on how to install some neat programs are coming in some future articles.

One of the greatest things about running a home apache server, is that you can use it in combination with a VPN to access your server anywhere in the world, securely. You can even change your setup to host pages to the outside world, if you so desire.

There is no limit to what you can do! OK, maybe it won’t cook you breakfast in the morning - not yet anyway!

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or need help with the install!


Chaireel Azizee Mohamed @ Ayub said...

can u tell me how to configure all of that?..apache..php..mysql?..i want to learn...

Unknown said...

Hi, Can we install SSH for wamp server and can we access it via command mode.


rahul said...

How to run javascript in WAMP server ..
the server is directly displaying the javascript code and not proccessing iit ...

Saqib Ansari said...

Hi Rahul,
The problem you're facing is Browser related not WAMP server related. Because all javascript execute by browser. You should check your browser setting and allow javascript to execute.


Anonymous said...

i have a problem in starting wampserver..

i reinstall the wampserver and i deleted all older entries of wampserver from regedit...

wampserver icon is in white color..

but when localhost starts it loading more than 30 minutes but not wampserver not starting...

if anybody know the solution please tell me...